
Last week my stepson got married and we all travelled up to the Kruger National park to enjoy the animals, sun and the wedding of course.
A pod of Hippos wallowing in the hot sun trying their best to look like rocks.
Laura reading advice and poems from all of us at the Hen’s party.
A little bit of fun the night before the wedding.
The wedding day – everyone looking their best.
And of course we had to have a bit of soap somewhere in the mix. Wedding favours made by yours truly.
Last week you may have seen my post about the snow and our family visit from my Dutch relatives.
The 3 boys were fascinated with my soap making so they decided to join me in making some fun Melt and Pour embedded soaps.
The 3 boys started by choosing a fragrance and then chose their colours. They wanted clear soaps so we worked with clear Melt and Pour soap base.
Above they listen intently while I explain the dangers of hot soap, and the procedures we are going to follow.
Adding colour…. Adding Fragrance…
Checking the consistency before they pour.
Mees pouring very carefully Stijn pouring his beautiful blue and I am helping little Willem pour his.
The finished results….
The boys had so much fun they decided to take home some of the Melt and Pour kits we have available for their cousins so they could make soap with them.